Dogs Acne

Yes! Dogs suffer from dog acne, like their human counterparts. 
In general, dog acne is not a major health problem for dogs and is easily preventable and treatable when it explodes. Most dog acne will clear in dogs once they reach maturity, but you can play in your life. 
Dog Acne may appear as pimples, blackheads, red or white, just like humans. It appears most often around the lips, nose, chin, underarms, chest, abdomen, and / or genitals. There may be bleeding, swelling or pus is expelled if the area becomes irritated. 
Dog acne Juno is presented as a puppy around her chin and nose when the whiskers out of his skin. Through a process of elimination, we were able to connect more acne on your plate plastic food. While we were washing the tank, chin and nose were covered with red spots. The transition to a metal container and later to a ceramic (now just pop in the dishwasher) solved the problem. 
1. Possible causes of dog acne 

Dog acne can be a normal part of adolescence for dogs, despite all precautions and preparations that are made with regard to hygiene in your environment. Pushed isolated acne in dogs can be attributed to a change in its environment (new beds, temperature changes or the home, chemicals and bacteria in swimming pools, lakes and streams) new toys or accessories (necklaces, belts, feeders), and hormonal changes (due to age or medication). Other times, what looks like acne may be a mild allergic reaction to a food, drug or a new product, which will disappear after use is discontinued. So Boxers, Dobermans and Great Danes may be more prone to acne than other races, acne in dogs can (and do) occur in all breeds of dogs. 
2. Tips for dog acne treatment in dogs 
Most dog acne can be treated by being over bathing your dog, keep them stored and serve food in clean and wiping his nose and chin with a clean cloth after walks warmly encouraged to be filled a lot of smell (pee-mail, park and street trash, food waste, etc..) Monitor pushed after the introduction of new foods or toys and accessories. 
Dog acne can also be managed or relieved by bathing your dog with a shampoo that is specially designed for dogs. Oatmeal, aloe, Echinacea based or dog shampoos may be particularly useful in treating skin problems. It is preferable not to use human shampoos, conditioners, creams or ointments in dogs. Is there an equivalent for dogs and the best is used instead. 
Like humans, never good for acne pick or squeeze. Picking or squeezing can cause irritation, distribution, and cause a serious infection of the bacteria are introduced into open wounds. You can apply warm and clean rags to reduce swelling, but sometimes the acne go away by itself when you just go alone. 
As with any health problems related to your pet if large breakouts, bleeding, significant swelling, pus be expelled, or any other sign of infection (odor, pain, etc), this should be cause for concern. Visit your veterinarian for a checkup and to get an idea of traditional treatment options. 
We are a professional company. This information is based on our experience and research. We always recommend that you consult your veterinarian for advice when it comes to the health and welfare of your pet! 
Have you ever had to deal with dog acne? What have you done?

Dog Acne Home Remedies

Dog acne is a minor but annoying skin condition that is found most often in dogs with short hair. The occurrence of canine acne occurs during puberty, when the dog is five to eight months of age. Dog Acne can be caused by genetics, hormonal changes or trauma. 

dog acne as pimples or red bumps and blackheads or whiteheads, which can seep pus and itching when infected. Login or breaking of hair follicles canine eruption causes dog acne, especially around the lips and chin. 

Canine acne conditions like mange (or scabies), ringworm and puppy strangles. Therefore, it is best to have a veterinarian to diagnose canine acne, so that appropriate treatment can begin. 
Veterinary medicine 

  • The veterinarian may suggest the following canine acne medical treatments: 
  • Washed and topical gels containing benzyl peroxide, shrinking pimples. (Do not use acne treatments for people with your dog, as they may contain 10 percent benzyl peroxide, which is twice the recommended dose for dogs.) 
  • Antibiotics, which fight infection. 
  • Topical steroids, which reduce swelling and inflammation. 
  • Castration, which eliminates the hormonal fluctuations. 

Home Remedies 
Your dog may try to relieve the symptoms of canine acne by rubbing against the areas affected by the carpets and furniture. Here is how to provide better relief for your dog: 

  • Clean the affected area with warm water, soap and towel each day, which eliminates bacteria and sebaceous glands disconnected. 
  • Give your dog Echinacea tablets or liquid form, which acts as a mild antibiotic. 
  • Rub lesions with a cotton ball soaked in a tincture of Valenzuela (concerns) twice daily, which speeds healing. 
  • Apply aloe Vera gel to the affected skin blemishes, reducing pain. 
  • With these home remedies, check with your vet first about proper dosages. Also, do not make acne worse canine pressing blackheads and your dog. This practice can cause pain and infection spread wider and deeper.