How to Treat Dog Acne

You might be surprised when your dog develops canine dog acne. Most dog owners think acne is reserved for human teenagers, but wrong. This condition usually develops as itchy red bumps on the chin and lips of young dogs. Usually, this condition occurs when the puppy is less than one year. Although experts do not know exactly what causes this condition, genetics may play a role. Here's how to treat acne in dogs.Have a question? Get an answer to a vet now!

Take your dog to the vet for an evaluation. While you can be sure that your dog is suffering from acne, the vet is a good place to start. Expresses its concern and request a review.

Making a topical treatment can be prescribed. Like humans, benzyl peroxide is often prescribed for acne canine. But do not fall into the temptation to save a trip to the vet and buy the product from your pharmacy. The dosage for dogs is different because your skin may be more sensitive than humans.

Knowing a topical steroid may be prescribed. If your dog has redness and irritation, your veterinarian may prescribe a topical steroid. This can help alleviate these symptoms. Be sure to wear gloves during the administration of the application.

Recognize antibiotics can be administered. Your vet may decide to prescribe an antibiotic for severe chronic cases. This can last from 6-8 weeks.

Ask your veterinarian about antibacterial lotions. These products can prevent your dog scare. Your vet may recommend the use of an antibacterial product.

Dog Acne

Everyone knows of acne as a human condition suffered by unfortunate teenagers during adolescence, but it is actually quite common in certain breeds of dogs as well. The most susceptible breeds are young adult boxers, English bulldogs, Doberman, Great Danes and Rottener. The condition starts at puberty around 5-8 months old. Most dogs improve with age and the condition usually disappears after a year of age, although some dogs can develop chronic dog acne.

Dog acne develop multiple comedowns (blackheads) on their chin, lips and nose. Taken from remnants of natural materials such as keratin and sebum block the hair follicles, causing focal swellings which can rupture and form crusts.

Dogs with this dog acne have swellings, scabs and blackheads on their lips, dog chin acne and dog nose acne. These are generally less concerned about bacterial skin infection dog develops secondary. This can cause pain and itching, leading the dog lived up to his / her face or rub on the carpet.

The diagnosis is usually simple - the characteristic aspect described above, one of the known susceptible breeds is usually sufficient. Your vet may decide to take a skin biopsy to confirm that it can be performed under sedation, local or general anesthesia and then sent to a pathologist for analysis dog acne.

Causes of Dog Acne

Dog acne can be often seen in adolescents and adults, but have you ever heard of dog acne? Even dogs have acne problems, some breeds of dogs suffer from acne. Most vulnerable to acne are Rottener breeds, young boxers, English bulldogs, Great Danes and Doberman. Acne may occur at the age of five to eight months, which is known as the period of puberty. The state is cured in many dogs, but in some, it will lead to chronic acne.

Dogs suffering from dog acne can have black spots on the lips, dog chin acne and dog nose acne. Keratin and sebum block hair follicles. Dogs facing this disease have scabs, inflammation and pimples. These black spots will not care much, but secondary infection may develop because of this and it is a serious problem. This will make the dog scratch and itch.

It is impossible to cure dog acne permanently dog, but can be reduced and controlled by the use of necessary medicines and following the methods of treatment necessary. dog acne is mandatory to rule out conditions that ringworm, scabies is an infestation of mites and strangles. It is also necessary to identify underlying allergies. In particular, boxers are allergic to one type of food.

You need to clean your dog with anti-acne products such as anti-seborrhea shampoos and benzyl peroxide helps clear pores and prevent further bacteria to enter the body. If secondary infection develops, then it is essential to use anti-bacterial medication for your dog for approximately not less than 4 weeks.

Dog Acne Solutions

Dogs are like people when it comes to dog acne. They tend to get acne in adolescence, but the only difference is that they are not aware of the same way that people are dog chin acne. In general, dog acne is not a major health problem for dogs, as most of them will be clear once they reach adulthood, but can play both. Most dog acne is pimples, blackheads or white heads appear along the chin, lips, breasts or genitals. If the area is irritated, then there can be bleeding or pus can be expressed from these imperfections.

Causes of dog acne

Dog acne can be caused by a number of things, depending on the dog and its environment. Dog acne is a normal part of adolescence for dogs, so few outbreaks will occur regardless of what you do as a guardian. Other times, dog chin acne it may be related to hormonal changes, an allergic reaction to a food or product, bacteria, or poor hygiene. Some breeds such as Great Danes, Boxers and Doberman, are more prone to dog acne than others, but it can and does occur in all breeds of dogs.

Solutions for dog acne

Better hygiene

Unless the dog acne is still in adolescence, most acne problems are caused by poor hygiene and bacteria. Regular bathing once a week or at least a few times a month to help the dog stay clean.  Part of acne around the mouth can be caused by poor dental hygiene, brushing your teeth for a couple of times a week or to provide edible dental treatment may also help. Look for any new product or food that may have been introduced recently to see if any of them caused the problem.

Medicated Shampoos

Visit your local pet store to find a drug or antibacterial shampoo designed for dogs. dog shampoos containing aloe Vera and Echinacea can be particularly useful in treating skin problems. Dogs should be bathed with products designed specifically for dogs because human shampoos, creams and ointments are not appropriate for them because they are too harsh.  Be careful to observe if the shampoo you use is the problem better or worse, as some of these products can be irritating to the skin or cause allergic reactions in some dogs.

Let nature take its course

Although it may be tempting to pick with acne, it is a good idea and you might even make the problem worse. Taking shots can actually cause acne to spread or even cause a more serious infection. The most you can do is apply a warm towel to the area to reduce swelling, but the rest should be left to a licensed veterinarian. dog chin acne Sometimes, acne can solve alone anyway.

Consult your veterinarian

If acne appears to worsen or if the region appears to be infected, then it is best to consult a veterinarian for treatment. More severe cases of dog acne can be treated with ointments prescribed oral medications or medicated soaps. dog chin acne Talk to your veterinarian for treatment options and professional advice.

Acne is a normal part of life of dogs, especially if they are young. Mild cases are common among adolescent dogs, but there seems to be a major epidemic or bleeding, then it may be a cause for concern. The most you can do at home to keep the dog clean by regular bathing, good dental hygiene, and the use of a medicated shampoo. All other questions or concerns additional treatment options should contact your veterinarian dog chin acne.